Puppies alone at night are "dead puppies" instinctually. Everything eats puppies. Owls, cougars, bear, coyotes, fox, hawks, etc. When your puppy sleeps alone, away from the protection of the pack, she is just waiting to be eaten at any moment. She doesn't sleep restfully. In her mind, she has no protection during the most dangerous time of her life.
Puppies in the bedroom are SAFE puppies. Their leader, protector, mom/dad, are sleeping in close proximity on the big bed and the door to the den is closed and they can drift into blissful, deep, rejuvenating sleep. They have no idea, at that tender age, that their senses are far superior to ours. They just trust their leader/protector not let harm befall them. Now we are in our rightful position s All High Exalted PROTECTOR.
This time is ranked scientifically as the highest quality time you can spend with your puppy. That's right, sleeping together at night is high quality bonding time. this is an old trick for teaching potty training.
A puppy raised in this manner will form a bond like no other. Puppies who sleep apart may grow up to be good dogs but they will never really give themselves to you. They will never value your opinion over their own and never really trust you as they could have because after all you did leave them to raise and protect themselves, didn't you?
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